Another lesson learned to share.

I’ve tried a bunch of difference computerized logging programs, on Windows, Mac and even one on Linux.  I eventually settled on one, and I’ll leave that process to a different post.  However, nearly all of them had an option to “Upload QSOs in Real Time” and it’s dangerous in my opinion, especially to the new Amateur Operator.

First off a caveat, I’m very particular.  My logbook, albeit small still since I haven’t even been doing this for a month yet, is very organized.  Or at least I want it to be.  I think of my radio log like the Quarterdeck Logbook aboard ship.  It’s an official document of record, to be kept and referred to at any point.  I’ve made some mistakes early on that I cannot take back now.  One of them was around this “Upload QSOs in Real Time”.  Now, you may not care and that’s totally fine, but it’s unlikely you would be reading this if you didn’t care on some level.

One of the features of these software loggers is the ability to upload your log to various sites like QRZ, Clublog, HRDlog, eQSL, LoTW etc.  It’s great, and I love that we can do that.  However, some of these logs are immutable, meaning you can’t fix your screwups, or they handle duplicate entries very poorly which require manual correction which is time consuming.

So, truthfully, I have the tendency to jack up my QSO entry locally.  I’ll not realize my rig control has failed and the QSO will have the wrong frequency listed, or the wrong mode before I enter it into my log.  Almost immediately I realize the mistake, glaring at me, ashamed of me and my incompetence.  I quickly fix it… but all those automated “real-time” uploads to those log sources are now wrong.  So I fix it in my log, then I upload back to the sources I have setup, eQSL, QRZ, LoTW, etc.  However, there’s a catch.  Sometimes, like with Clublog or eQSL, I get duplicate log entries, and it’s a mess that I have to login to those website and fix manually.  Or, the worst of it is with LoTW which is completely immutable, I can’t fix it, and I have to live with my shame forever.  🙁

Now I get why LoTW is immutable, makes sense in a way, but man those errors early on make me twitch.  So, my advice to the new Amateur Operator… skip the auto-uploads, at least for now.  I find it a good checkpoint for me after a good session at the radio.  I turn down the rig, take off my headphones, and I look over what I’ve just accomplished.  Line by line I review the QSOs from that session, sometimes adding little notes for myself or whatever.  As I’m doing this, reflecting on the time I just spent, I check everything for accuracy.  Once I’m satisfied I manually trigger the uploads via my logging software.  Think of it as a way to commit your log as final.  I’ve found that not only is it a good way to catch errors but it’s also nice to take a moment and reflect on the contacts you’ve just made.

Furthermore, on the topic of sending your QSOs out, make sure you’re doing this as a new Amateur Operator.  Get LoTW setup and working, and use it.  If you don’t want to upload daily, then set a reminder to do it once a week or something.  There’s absolutely no reason to not do this, and it helps verify the logs of others you contact.  It’s common courtesy.  If you don’t care about those pesky award programs that’s fine, but the operation you just exchanged with might, and they are expecting that confirmation if you say you provide it.



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